"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Fanaticism is contrary to the nature of Tao cultivators. If asked, they are glad to discuss their practices and beliefs, but if no one asks, they are just as glad to remain silent on the subject. The drive to convert others is not present in their thinking. If they detect a zealous need within themselves to impose their views on others, they exercise their mastery of the Tao to let it go.

If challenged to a religious debate, Tao cultivators will decline. If this means losing the debate by default, they will smile and let the other party claim victory. This is easy for them to do because they do not regard any spiritual path as being superior to any other in an absolute sense. They recognize only that people have different preferences and needs, so some paths can be more suitable to particular individuals, just like favorite colors.

Thus, debating how religions stack up against one another is like arguing about the superiority of red versus green. By withdrawing from such arguments, Tao cultivators demonstrate their lack of zeal and their practical wisdom.

The Tao Today

Do not proselytize. Water seeks its own level, and there is no point in forcing it one way or another. As people progress in life, they naturally create their own paths, like the water of a river carving out a channel over time on its way to the ocean. it may be that they will never see things your way; it may also be that their paths will converge with yours one day. Only time will tell…and that is exactly as it should be.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin