"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Lao Tzu says that when one cultivates the Tao, one experiences “daily loss.” This may be one of the more puzzling passages from the Tao Te Ching. What kind of loss does Lau Tzu mean, and how is it connected to the Tao?

It all makes perfect sense when one looks at it in the context of letting fo of clutter and simplifying life. Our lives have become increasingly complex, and the complexity does not serve us. Even for something as basic as keeping in touch with friends, we can make a phone call, write an e-mail, use a chat program, tap out a text message, access a social network website and so on. At the end of the day, all that technology gives us many more communication channels to check, without necessarily bringing us closer together.

This is why the daily loss is such an important lesson when we walk the path. We examine the complexity of the world in a daily basis and actively manage how we work with it. Whenever it is appropriate to let go of some complexity, and thereby simplify life, we should do so without hesitation.

The Tao Today

The daily loss is easy to integrate into your routine. Froom this day onward, set aside five minutes to look at the clutter in your life and discard one thing. If you can let go of more, definitely do so, but make sure you get rid of at least one thing per day, before you permit yourself to move on to the next task.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin