"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


As the water in a mountain stream flows, it encounters rocks and stones of different shapes and sizes. The water does not engage in arguments with these obstacles. It does not make angry demands that they move out of its way. It does not try to break them up so it can pass.

The water simply flows past the rocks and stones. It may flow to the left or the right. It may flow over or under. Water naturally and automatically chooses the easiest and most direct way around all obstacles.

As water moves past the rocks and stones with minimal effort, it sings softly to itself. There is a sense of serenity and joy in the process, and anyone who comes close to the stream and hears its song will feel it.

The Tao Today

Visualize yourself as the stream. You encounter numerous problems as you move through life. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some are difficult; some are trivial.

Emulate the stream. There is no need to engage in arguments, make angry demands or lash out. You simply flow past problems. Follow your observation and intuition to find the natural path around each obstacle, and move gracefully past with minimal effort.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin