"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Set aside some time today to experience wu, the Taoist state of emptiness, in three simple steps.

The first step is finding a place where you know you will not be disturbed. Turn off your cell phone. There is no need to assume a meditative position; sitting quietly will be more than sufficient.

Then, let the mind settle. Allow stray thoughts to subside, knowing that you will be able to recall matters to mind when you need them later on. When distracting thoughts come in, make no attempt to hold on to them. They will exit of their own accord.

Lastly, when you sense sufficient tranquility in yourself, gently guide your mind to the centermost core of your being. Seek the focal point deep within. This is the wellspring of your artistic or musical impulses and much more. You will know when you have found it when powerful ideas begin coming to you out of nowhere. Remain in this state for a while and enjoy the flow of pure creativity.

The Tao Today

As with everything else in life, this is a process that gets easier with each practice. Give yourself fifteen minutes of solitude to practice every day from here on. It is a small investment of time that will yield incredible, infinite dividends.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin