Chapter 57 of the Tao Te Ching starts out talking about how the kings rule, but ends with a description of how a sage lives. These seem like two different topics until you realize that they are both directed at you.
Specifically, Lao Tzu talks about the four things to minimize: attachments, chaos, interference and desires.
Minimizing attachments means taking actions without obsessing over specific outcomes. To be attached is to get in the way of your natural excellence.
Minimizing chaos means the quieting the noise of stray thoughts and self-talk in the mind. Without internal quietness, you cannot deal with others with calmness and composure.
Minimizing interference means letting people be. They have their own paths to walk. Interfering in their business will only cause disruptions.
Minimizing desires means easing up on the never-ending cycles of material acquisitions. it is a bottomless pit that leads only to more desires.
The Tao Today
These are the four keys to the private kingdom of your life. If you wish to rule wisely, you now know what to do - or more precisely, what to minimize.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin