"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


If we go back far enough in time, we will get to a point when life first emerged on Earth. It marked the transition from the inorganic to the organic. In religion, this is called genesis. In science, it is known as abiogenesis. In the Tao, we simply say that everything comes from the ultimate source. Life emerging form lifelessness is symbolically described as zero becoming one.

At some point after the emergence of life, one became two. That is, the oneness of life force polarized into the yin and yang complements. In many life-forms, including human beings, this manifests as the masculine and the feminine.

Then, the yin and yang principles of existence engage in dynamic interactions with one another. All animals partake in such interactions for procreation, and human beings elevate them to another level. Men and women reach out to one another to share moments together. They engage in a dance to express the beauty of it all. They forge the bond of love and they celebrate life. All of this comes about naturally starting form zero. The Tao is life, and life is love.

The Tao Today

Who is your energy compliment in the yin and yang duality of existence? This question is aimed at the spiritual core. If you have already identified such a person in your life, honor the bond by doing something special as a couple today. If such a person has not yet manifested in your life, create an opening in your heart. When you have attained a sufficient level of self-cultivation, your energy compliment will appear.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin