“Know yourself, know your opponent; a hundred battles, a hundred victories.”
The above is the most profound wisdom from Sun Tzu, the legendary Tao master and military genius whose writings are still being actively studied today. The saying applies not only to fields of battle, but also to life itself.
Very often, people do not bother getting to know the other side of a conflict. No matter what the situation is, they insist on being understood, while refusing to expend the effort to understand anyone else. if this persists, communication becomes impossible, and the situation deteriorates.
The better way is to know your opponents first. Put yourself in their position. The more you understand their perspectives, the more easily you can make yourself understandable to them. Increasing mutual understanding will naturally set the conflict on a path toward resolution and healing, resulting in the best possible victory for you.
The Tao Today
Put this teaching to work for yourself. No matter what challenge you encounter today, seek a better understanding. If some people oppose your plans, don’t get mad and don’t try to get even. Get to know them instead. What is their motivation? What are their resources? When you have sufficient understanding, it will be easy for you to see a way to resolve the conflict and win without fighting.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin