"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Tragic events happen in life, but knowing this does not make them any easier to accept. This is especially true when a young person, who still has so much life ahead, suddenly dies in an accident. It seems like such an incredible waste. How can a Tao cultivator deal with such a tragedy?

The first thing is to keep in mind is that death is not the end. Although we have no concrete information about the afterlife, we do know that there are no true termination points anywhere in reality. Everything transforms into something else and continues on. Nothing is wasted; nothing is lost. We have no reason to believe that human consciousness is an exception to this Tao that is constant everywhere and everywhen.

The second thing to keep in mind is that no one exists in isolation. Everyone is connected to everyone else. Thus, the death of an individual has a widespread impact. Those of us who are caught in its karmic shock wave must decide how to react. Will we wallow in bitterness and rage against an unjust fate? Or will we become more aware of fragile mortality, and therefore cherish those who are still with us?

The Tao Today

In the aftermath of a tragic event, you have a spiritual responsibility to come to terms with it and define its meaning. You can neglect this responsibility and let the tragic event incapacitate you, or you can approach it with reverence to draw strength and affirmation of life from it. The choice is yours.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin