"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


One interesting verse from the Tao Te Ching points to the hole in the center of a wheel, and tells us that it is what makes the wheel useful. The wheel has many spokes joining together in the central hub, but none of the spokes is as important as the emptiness in the middle.

The same truth can be seen everywhere in life. The emptiness in a cup is what makes it useful for drinking; the emptiness in a house makes it useful for dwelling. In the Tao, being empty is not at all negative. It is not substance, but empty space that brings the real value.

Of course, this teaching is not about drinking or dwelling at all, but about cultivation. When the mind is filled with preconceptions and misconceptions, it is like a cup full of stale drink or a house full of junk. Nothing can happen until we make the decision to empty out, to unlearn old ideas and old ways. This is the crucial first step for anyone who is serious about walking the path.

The Tao Today

Not everyone can attain this kind of emptiness. Letting go of old ideas requires resolve and courage, so it may be a great challenge for you to unlearn in order to create a space within. This space is the emptiness that will be ready to accept the practical wisdom of the Tao.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin