In tai chi, the Cloud Hands form is a series of circular movements where your hands rotate softly, like the clouds. Despite its appearance of softness, it is actually an excellent technique for self-defense. No matter how someone attacks you, you can always deflect the strikes with Cloud Hands.
The essence of the Cloud Hands can be very useful in everyday situations. We have all encountered people who go on the attack from time to time. They may have anger management issues, or they may simply be looking for a fight for whatever reason. Sometimes you are an innocent bystander caught in the crossfire; other times you may be the target.
The best thing to do in such a situation is to use the verbal and mental equivalent of Cloud Hands. There is no need to get into a shouting match with increasing volume. It will only be counterproductive. Instead, apply softness and deflection. Respond to accusations with questions to clarify the issue. Acknowledge opposing perspectives without admitting rightness or wrongness. Never raise your voice. Keep the Cloud Hands moving, and soon the attacker will understand there is nothing to attack.
The Tao Today
In a tension-filled confrontation, small problems have a way of becoming bigger. People who thrive on conflict may want to perpetuate this kind of drama, but Tao cultivators do not. If our goal is to seek resolution and advance forward, then we must have harmonious interactions. Our problems, big or small, can never be solved through conflict , so use the Cloud Hands to defuse an explosive situation as the first step toward establishing a more peaceful dialogue.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin