The eyes of the judge, the parasite, the internal narrators, the mitote, the Smokey Mirror, domestication - these are all metaphors from the Toltec tradition that explain the workings of your mind. The mind has created an egoic identity based on concepts of scarcity, judgement, and competition that it has difficulty letting go of. But the only place war can occur in you is in your mind.
The real you is pure bliss and always at peace. That’s why I say that every person I meet, every person I see, is an expression of the Authentic Self. It’s only our thoughts and our judgements that keep us from seeing this truth about ourselves and others, a truth so simple that it’s sometimes difficult for the mind to grasp.
Sit in the present moment and let everything be as it is. You, I, and everything around you are perfect. Let the perfection be.
Living a Life of Awareness
~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.