“What can I do to always remember who I really am?”
~ Juan Ramon Jiminez
Most of our searching is looking for ways to discover who we already are. In this, we are a forgetful species, and perhaps what Adam and Eve lost when kicked out of Eden was their ability to remember what is sacred.
Thus, we continually run into mountains and rivers, run to the farthest sea, and into the arms of strangers, all to be shaken into remembering. And some of us lead simple lives, hoping to practice how not to forget. But part of our journey is this forgetting and this remembering. It is a special part of what makes us human.
So what can we do? Well, it is no secret that slowness remembers and hurry forgets; that softness remembers and harness forgets; that surrender remembers and fear forgets.
It is beautifully difficult to remember who we really are. But we help each other every time we fill the cup of truth and hold each other up after drinking from it.
~ Sit quietly, if you can, and allow a place where you don’t feel to present itself.
~ Breathe slowly into this place, for where we are numb, we have forgotten. So slow your way into remembering.
~ Breathe softly over this place, imagining your breath is a cleansing water.
~ After a time, try to recall the last time you felt something in this place.
The Book of Awakening
~ Mark Nepo