“I learn, by going, where I have to go.”
~ Theodore Roethke
We drove to a lake that one of us had heard of. Around it was a path. We brought a few simple things: bread, water, bananas. We circled the lake, stopping at certain patches of light. Huge acorns were dropping from the canopy and small ravens were preening on branches sagging over the water.
Along the way, Christine stopped, drawn to a clearing she couldn’t walk by. We followed, stepping slower, breathing deeper, and off the path, the ancient trees were growing and we lost the urge to go at all. With nothing but each other and our breathing, we heard a thread of stream unravel in a song that birds imitate.
We didn’t talk about it, but is is the path off the path that brings us to god. For our hearts are just small birds waiting.
~ Center yourself and imagine your life as a path about a beautiful lake.
~ Breathe slowly and trace your path to where you are today.
~ Breathe deeply and imagine tomorrow’s part of the path coming into view. Smell the unmarked trails.
~ As you enter your day, stay open to the unexpected clearings that call to you.
The Book of Awakening
~ Mark Nepo