"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


No matter how spiritually advanced you become, negative things will still happen in your life. You can look for lessons in them, but sometimes you fail to find any.

This happens because the lessons of life never come in a sensible sequence. They are not like the school lessons we know, neatly organized in a curriculum with course descriptions and outlines. There is also no concept of prerequisites in them, so you may be presented with a difficult lesson well before you get to the easier ones that build up your knowledge.

Life lessons are more like puzzles. The pieces of this puzzle are given to you in random order, so the lesson you need and the lesson you get are usually quite different. IN the face of this chaos, the only thing you can do is maintain your belief that as time foes on, things will start to make sense, even if they do not at the moment. More pieces of the puzzle will come your way. Sooner or later, you will end up with a corner piece that suddenly makes it easy to fir several other pieces into the picture.

The Tao Today

Chances are you have some life lessons from the past that you have not fully mastered. This is normal. No one understands everything about life. This does not mean you will never understand them. Continue on the path, and you will find that every day brings you more clarity and more enlightenment. Keep the faith and you will solve this puzzle.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin