"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


As chapter 25 of the Tao Te Ching points out, the Tao follows the laws of nature. This statement, while quite true, has been used by some as a convenient justification. If they are late, they may say that they were proceeding at a natural pace, which happened to be a bit slower than expected. If they lose their temper and yell at others, they may say that they were following a natural impulse, and of course emotions are completely natural.

This is a misuse of the Tao. There is more to the real teaching, which goes beyond following nature to ask: β€œAre you following the natural path of spiritual growth, or the natural path of stagnation?”

Both paths are natural, as are many other paths. Nature offers all possibilities from expansion to extinction and everything in between. For human beings with the blessing of freewill, it is not enough to simply follow nature. We must also choose the aspect of nature to follow.

The Tao Today

Have you considered the specific path to take when you follow nature? Take a moment to think about the best possible path for you. Be wary of those who use the Tao as a free pass. Theirs is the path to nowhere. Choose the path that will lead you to the best version of you. That, too, is following nature.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin