There are many books that teach people how to simplify their lives, but none of them offers the insight that connects simplification to ego reduction. The ego, as it turns out, is at the heart of much complexity in life.
Someone who has too much ego tends to think that he has the knowledge or skills to get the job done. His favorite line is: “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” He ends up taking on everything, and with each additional task, his life becomes ever more complex.
Tao sages are different. They understand humility and they know they are not the only ones who can do a particular thing. They are happy to let other people work on a task in their own unique ways. Sometimes, this can even yield better results.
The Tao Today
To simplify your life from within, start by managing your ego. Do you feel as if you have to do everything yourself? Do you see others as incapable of doing things correctly? The more you harbor such feelings, the more likely you are to bite off more than you can chew. It is time to reduce such self-centered thoughts. Learn to trust others. Let them take on more and reduce your burden. Give them the opportunity to shine, too.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin