"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Many wisdom traditions speak of a higher state of consciousness. In such a state, we are fully alert, fully aware of everything and fully perceptive of the indescribable beauty permeating reality. Compared to this, our normal, everyday experience is more like a dream, as if we are sleepwalking through life.

If you feel that you already possess the higher state of consciousness, then think about the times when you walk into a room but cannot remember why you went there, or the times when you check a door because you cannot remember if you locked it or not, or the times you lose your train of thought. All of these are signs that you are, on some level, still asleep.

There is only one way to elevate your consciousness, and that is the practice of being fully present in the here and now. This is not something that will happen by itself. You need to train the mind to habitually establish mindful awareness. As the scattered pieces of of your mind return to the center of your being, your mind becomes increasingly awake. Outwardly, there seems to be no change in you. Inwardly, your spirit stirs from its slumber. It is time for you to open your spiritual eyes and awaken from normal consciousness to greater awareness.

The Tao Today

Throughout the day, ask yourself if you are fully present. What are you doing? Does it make sense? What is happening all around you? What are you not noticing? The more these questions become ingrained in you, the more frequently you will find yourself fully awake - physically, mentally and spiritually.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin