"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


In the Dream of the Planet, everyone adopts a name and an identity to go along with that name.

Your identity can be based on things like the color of your skin, the nationality of you family, the religion you practice, the work you do, and the activities and hobbies you love to participate in. In this way, your name and identity give you a purpose, a sense of belonging. They are symbols that are useful tools when communicating with one another.

But remember to never confuse any of these identities you have adopted with who you really are. These identities are simply symbols you play with that allow you to participate in our collective Dream of the Planet. You lose awareness the moment you confuse these identities with who you really are, and suffering is the result as it leads to our domestication based on these symbols.


Think of the people you know and the identities either they have assumed or you have ascribed to them. What identities have you adopted for yourself? How do you portray those identities in the world? With awareness today, remember that any identity you adopt is not the real you. Who you really are is far, fare greater than can be contained in any identity or role. A particular role may die or dissolve, but you will remain.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.