"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


In the Toltec Tradition, we have the concepts of the Personal Dream and the Dream of the Planet.

The Personal Dream refers to how you see the world and how you in turn project the world. It all relates to your point of view. You are 100 percent responsible for your Personal Dream.

The Dream of the Planet is the relationship between two or more Personal Dreams. For example, if you and I were physically in the same space, and if you were to touch your fingertip to mine, I would say that 50 percent of our relationship ends at that meeting point. I am responsible for myself from my body through the ends of my fingertips - completely responsible - just as you are responsible for yourself through the tips of your fingers. When we meet, we’ll experience synergy, and we all contribute our Personal Dreams to the Dream of the Planet. Ultimately, the Personal Dream is the more important one, for two reasons: that is where it all starts, and that is the dream you have ultimate control over.


Remember, if you want to change the world, the first step is accepting yourself as you are in this moment, and change, with the freedom that life gives you, if you want to. Awareness, or the practice of being in communion with this moment and my present environment, is the key.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.