"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


As adults, we still have the ability to play make-believe as we did when we were children - that is, we still have the ability to create a mask based on our knowledge of how to engage one another in a particular setting. But as adults, the mask becomes a way to adapt socially and relate to a group with whom we are interacting, and we have forgotten that it’s just a mask. We think the mask is us!

~ The Five Levels of Attachment

For many of us, our attachment to beliefs - both our own and others’ - manifests as a mask we don’t realize we can take off. This mask prevents us from interacting with others and the world in a health y way, and it forces us to make decisions based not on what we really want, but on what our beliefs dictate. As we release these attachments, our reality changes, since we are no longer chained to our beliefs. We are then free to create the lives we truly want by making new agreements that align with our Authentic Self.


With awareness, notice the beliefs to which you have become attached, realizing that you can discard those that no longer serve you.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.