Imagine that you like soccer, and you suddenly find yourself at a stadium in the midst of a game in progress. It could be a magnificent stadium or bleachers next to a field. The players could be great or mediocre. It doesn’t matter who is playing. You are not rooting for or against a side; you simply sit, watch, and enjoy the game for what it is.
The moment the referee blows the whistle to end the game - no matter which side has won or lost - you leave the game behind. You walk out of the stadium and continue on with your life. The game doesn’t say anything about who you are. You are unattached, unaffected by the outcome.
Now imagine bringing that sense of nonattachment into your workplace, your personal pursuits, and your relationships. What would your life be like then?
With awareness, engage your life today with a playful sense of detachment. From this state of mind, you enjoy the things you do, but you are no longer attached to the outcome of any situation, as your identity is not contingent upon outdated ideas of “failure” and “success.”
Living a Life of Awareness
~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.