"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


While your emotions are genuine, and no one can say how you aught to feel, it’s important to remember that what triggers those feelings may not always be real. Emotions are like a car alarm: They keep you present and are a beautiful way to uncover those little agreements, conditions, distortions, and wounds that your storytelling is trying to hide.

An emotional reaction is an invitation to remove something from hiding and reevaluate it. Rejecting your emotions is simply an attempt to cover up old wounds.


The next time you have an emotional reaction to something, rather than denying or attempting to cover up your emotions, say to yourself, “This is my truth, and now I am reacting to it.” With that statement alone, you are no longer using your energy to deny the truth, but opening the door to healing and releasing instead.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.