"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Our ego, or our sense of personal importance, is constantly trying to define itself to the world. It is fueled by a need to be right, to win, and to know everything. Any time you find yourself struggling, fighting, or arguing with others (and yourself), all in an effort to defend and maintain your beliefs and ideas, that is your cue that you have become attached to the goals of the ego, and now your ego is running your life. It is through these beliefs and ideas that the ego has constructed the story of “you” - so it’s no wonder defending them elicits such an emotional reaction.

The ego builds itself on the belief that we are separate entities, disconnected form one in competition with one another. But nothing could be further from the truth. When you realize your interconnectedness to all beings, the ego can no longer control you. The function of the ego is to keep the illusion alive.


With awareness, notice when you feel compelled to dominate those around you, either by aggressive or passive-aggressive means. When this happens, your ego is controlling your life. Remember that you are not in competition with others; we are all connected, and no one deserves to be dominated - not you and not anyone in your life.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.