"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


While our points of view may differ, we are all products of the same source. The only things that separate us are our attachment to our own point of view and the belief that others must share it. This is where we begin putting conditions on our love for one another, and this is the source of conflict.

When you love unconditionally, it doesn’t matter if others agree with your beliefs. You let them be who they choose, because you know who you are and that allows you to respect all of creation. We have a word for this: It’s called peace.

May peace be with you today.


Today, try to focus on loving others and their beliefs unconditionally - especially when they have opinions that may differ from your own. You know the feelings when someone listens and respects your perspective without judgement; extend that feeling of openness to others, and watch as peace enters.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.