"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


The human mind is a wonderful tool, a literal manufacturing plant of thought, and it has enabled us to create wonderful structures and develop amazing technologies over millennia.

But without awareness, our minds can take on more power than we might want by completely absorbing our attention. If we let it, the mind will constantly narrate, or commentate on, everything we do, say, see, touch, smell, taste, and hear. It is like taking a sip of wine and saying, “It’s a bit dry; it has definitely aged well, but I can taste the bark. I’ve had better.” Instead of simply experiencing the joy and flavors of the wine, we are analyzing the flavor, trying to break it down and fit it into a context and language we already know. In doing this, we miss out on much of the actual experience.

This is a simple example of how our mind can narrate life - by explanation, comparison, and judgement. Instead of taking an experience for what it is, we create a story to make it fir our beliefs.


Your mind is a wonderful tool, but balance is key in making sure you use the tool, instead of the tool using you. As you move through the day, be conscious and try to experience each moment anew, letting go of the impulse to narrate your experience on the spot and pass judgement.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.