"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Whenever I’m upset, I know that something I hold to be true has been put to the test. I look at that agreement inside and out and ask myself: Is this an agreement based on truth or illusion? If I am attached to the agreement, I will use a lot of energy to keep it alive. But if I have to struggle that hard to give an idea or belief life, it cannot be very solid can it?

The next time you feel like one of your opinions or values has been challenged, take a moment to identify what agreement you’ve made to support that idea. To maintain your opinion, do you need to ignore or defy other people’s opinions or disregard new information that’s come to light? Ask yourself how attached you are to your truths; you may be compromising the real truth to maintain your status quo?


With awareness, say to yourself: “As a Toltec hunter, I will notice when I start to struggle, so I may see the illusion I am trying to hold on to. Once recognized, i vow to let it go with ease and grace.”

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.