"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Anger is a natural human emotion. No matter how spiritually evolved we may be, in a moment of great loss, betrayal, pain, or injustice, anger arises.

In many cases, our anger is accompanied by a “no” to whatever is happening at that moment. In this way, we are using anger to express our intent. Saying no from a place of anger can add force to our no; and for a moment we feel powerful. But this feeling of power is illusory, and it always leaves us with an emotional hangover of negativity after the anger subsides. It also causes suffering for those caught in its path.

The truth is that anger doesn’t make us powerful at all; in fact, by communicating our intent through anger, we are actually giving our power away.

With awareness, we realize we don’t need the crutch of anger to effectively express pour intent. We can say no from a place of calmness, even in the subtlest way, because we know that the mere mention of it has expressed the power of our own intent.


Imagine someone yelling emphatically, gesturing wildly, and bullying to get their point across, versus someone who’s calm, collected, and communicating clearly and with intention. Who do you think has the real power in that situation?

The next time you notice yourself getting angry, try to wait until the anger subsides prior to manifesting your intent.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.