"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


As children, many of us played make-believe games with our friends: cops and robbers, Barbies, superheroes, tea parties, and the like. In those games, we assumed the identity of a particular character, and for the duration of the game we pretended to be something we were not. But the second the game was over, we dropped that identity and went back to being our old selves.

As adults, we often play a version of make-believe in certain social situations. That is, we put on a mask and engage one another in a particular setting, perhaps at a cocktail party, a work function, or even a family event.

Sometimes the mask is needed to adapt to a group dynamic. A lot of times these masks are benign; we play the part of dutiful child, employee, or even “bestselling author,” and when we are done we return to who we truly are. The problem occurs when we forget that we are wearing a mask, and we think the mask is who we truly are. Over time, these masks can become very heavy burdens and dropping them can be freeing.


What identities have you adopted for yourself? How do you portray those identities in the world? Who are you without the mask? Remember, there are situations where you may choose to put on a mask, and it’s OK. Just don’t forget it’s just a mask!

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.