"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


When we are aware of the divine spark that exists inside us, we can go to any church, synagogue, any temple, any mosque, and drum circle, and always find the grace of God.

But oftentimes we see those who have become so attached to a set of religious beliefs that they adopt the mindset, “My religion is right, and yours is wrong.” Most of us can easily see this level of fanaticism in others, but it’s far more challenging to spot this in ourselves. For instance, beliefs about eating only organic food, using homoeopathic medicine, lifestyle choices, and the like are all areas in which, if we are not careful, our attachment to the “rightness” of them can become fanatical; when we allow this, we corrupt the original noble inspiration.


With awareness, notice the viewpoints that you are so attached to you think everyone should feel the same way. When others don’t agree with you, this is an opportunity to show your love and respect by letting them think and act for themselves. The good news is that you will release your own attachments in the process, and let their beautiful traditions become alive as you let go of the distorted filter of fanaticism.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.