"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Many spiritual traditions instruct you to be the observer, the witness, to your mind. But what exactly does this mean? You become an observer once you are able to step outside your own story, your inner thoughts and beliefs, and see things from a different perspective.

Being able to watch your own thoughts and beliefs provides an opportunity to question and reassess any idea or belief you have. Remember, you have a choice at every juncture to either continue to believe or not, and it’s helpful to check in and reassess if what you say you believe is up to date.

Ultimately, being the observer shows us that we are not our thoughts or beliefs, but rather the aware presence in which thoughts and beliefs occur. In this role, we become aware of the thoughts we tell ourselves and decide anew if we still agree with them. This is especially helpful when we no longer want to believe the judgements of our conditional love.


Today, remember that thoughts come and go. You do not have to agree with every one of them. With awareness, you can form new agreements in you mind that serve your higher purpose, as well as consciously renew old agreements that still ring true.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.