"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Sometimes, it’s not the obvious fears that hinder your joy, but the ones that are below the surface, just out of view. If you find yourself sabotaging your happiness, procrastinating on your dreams, or dismissing your achievements, it’s likely that a hidden fear is at play.

When you take the flashlight of your awareness and shine it on the shadowy places where fear resides, you can see that the fears are so often like puffs of smoke. They appear solid at first, but when they are brought into the light, they dissipate into nothingness. Be courageous and stop to face your fears. Stop feeding your doubt and insecurity and instead dedicate yourself to nourishing your inspiration and passion.


When you find yourself feeling anything less than joyful, ask yourself, “What am I afraid of that is keeping me from experiencing the perfection of this moment?” Once the fear is identified, you will find it is about some future event, as all fear is. With awareness, remember that you are perfect exactly as you are; you have nothing to be afraid of, because the real you cannot be harmed.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.