"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


I engage in the Toltec tradition by choice, fully aware that the name Toltec refers to an action or agreement belonging to a philosophy. I choose to call myself Toltec, but I am aware that not calling myself a Toltec wouldn’t lessen my agreement or the lessons I have learned from this tradition.

This is true for any identity you choose to adopt. Remember that you are the power that gives life to the identity, the mask you choose to wear. Suffering arises when we forget this and make the mask more important than our Authentic Self. In this way, we give our power to whatever identity we have chosen to adopt, no matter how noble we may think it is.

With awareness, you can remember you are primary, and any identity you adopt is secondary. The power is in you.


Take a moment to think about what masks you’ve agreed to wear over the years. Do you identify with any particular groups, styles, or philosophies? Whatever identity or identities you may have adopted, remember that you have the power deep down to remove those masks and reveal your true self.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.