"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


“The ear is only a petal that grows from the heart. When we hear each other, it all becomes a garden.”

~ Anonymous

Just what does it mean to listen? We have all exhibited the remarkable mental dividedness whereby we choose not to pay attention, and yet when asked, we can recite word for word what has been said.

Listening arises from a deeper place, and it seems we can only hear the living to the extent that we have truly lived, only understand pain and joy to the extent that we have allowed ourselves to be touched by life. If the ear grows from the heart like a petal, then as roots absorb rain and sun until a simple flower opens, the heart must absorb both tears and joy in order to sprout an ear that can truly hear.

I remember, years before cutting my feet in search of a path, sitting on my immigrant grandmother’s hospital bed, watching her wince as they put gauze on her bedsore heels. I remember, years before I saved my golden retriever from drowning, watching a coworker cry for his dead dog, trying to understand how he could love an animal more than a person. I remember, years before having to start my life over, racing down a farmhouse road in the middle of the night to see my father-in-law’s proud eyes just as the barn he built thirty years before was burning to the ground.

It was only later that I felt their pain, and even more, their true joy in caring for things. To be sure, we do not have to experience the same things to receive each other, but we do have to experience what is ours to live through before life will show its roots.

What does it take to truly listen? The breakdown of everything that parades between our hearts. If I dare to hear you, I will feel you like the sun and grow in your direction, and you in mine. For when we hear each other, it all becomes a garden. It all becomes edible.

~ Sit with a trusted loved one and meditate on a story of joy or pain that you have heard more fully over time.

~ Share with each other why this story has stayed with you.

~ How has your understanding of this story deepened over time?

~ Breathe slowly and open your heart more fully to one human moment you chose not to pay attention to during the last week.

The Book of Awakening

~ Mark Nepo