"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


When people say they don’t have time, what they are really saying is that they have other things that are more important. They have the same twenty-four hours per day as everyone else in the world, but what you are asking of them is not important enough to justify taking time away from something else. They don’t want to express that directly, so they have chosen to leave the words unsaid.

This is an example of the hidden meaning in our daily lives. This kind of masked communication is prevalent, so when Tao practitioners converse with other people, they do not just listen with their ears. They also apply their spiritual selves to the exchange in order to discern the hidden meaning. The words that are unsaid can be surprisingly important. Indeed, they may even carry the true meaning of a conversation.

The Tao Today

Mastering the skill to hear the unsaid words does not mean we can communicate with others in the same obscure way. If anything, it should make us more aware of the moments when we are not as clear as we can be. Never speak in riddles; always speak plainly and clearly.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin