The Chinese have a saying that the big tree catches more wind. It means a well-known person will attract more criticism and resentment, because success elevates your profile and makes you a bigger target. This may sound like a cautionary note against individual excellence: the nail that sticks out too much gets hammered down.
There is more to it than that. The sages speak of the tree, rather than the nail, because the tree also tell s you how to handle success. The teaching is that as you become more accomplished, you must also become more humble. The big tree can deal with the stronger wind by swaying with it. When the tree is flexible, it cannot be hurt by the wind.
Similarly, the best way for you to deal with criticism and resentment is to use your flexibility. Being dogmatic and stubborn will only invite more personal attacks. Moving with the flow and coming back stronger is the smarter and more skillful way to live the Tao.
The Tao Today
It is a certainty that as you grow and develop, you will encounter stronger winds every step of the way. Some may be so concerned about this that they progress no further, fearing the possible side effects of success.
It can be different for you, because you are will prepared with the wisdom of the Tao. As long as you remain humble, there is nothing to stop you from fully expressing your potential. you are free to become the biggest tree you can be.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin