Legend tells of an oracle of the Tao who had the uncanny ability to look into destiny itself. Those who had their fortunes told by him invariably saw the predictions coming true, even though they knew what to expect and wished to avoid their fate.
A frustrated man asked the oracle why this as so. Was destiny set in stone after all, so we were all doomed to live out our fate?
The oracle told them that no one was doomed. Everyone had the ability to change the direction of his destiny. However, such a change would not happen simply by wishing or praying. Like a large ship at sea, destiny carried a lot of momentum. Just as the ship could only be turned slowly over a period of time, the only way to change destiny was to continuously apply course corrections every day. It could be done, but it was no trivial task.
The only way to do it, the oracle said, was through Tao cultivation. The more someone cultivated, the less accurate the readings would be. Cultivators did not need to follow a destiny that was plotted out for them. They set their own course.
The Tao Today
Even without the benefit of encountering such an oracle of the Tao, you can still benefit from his insight. No matter how your destiny is playing out at the moment, chances are there is always room for improvement. It is time to plot a new course. It will require consistent action over a long period of time to turn the cruise ship of your life to the new heading, so the best time to begin steering is right now.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin