"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Synergy of the Tao occurs when people come together in harmony to work toward a common goal. The power they generate becomes a much greater than the sum of its parts; they are able to accomplish things beyond the power of any individual working alone.

Chapter 42 of the Tao Te Ching describes a synergistic process:

One produces two

Two produces three

Three produce myriad things

The third line is where the power kicks in. Three does not produce four; three expands with unlimited potential of the myriad things. The extra energy seems to have appeared out of thin air, but it can all be traced back to the one - the oneness of the Tao, the one common goal, the unity of purpose.

The Tao Today

Leverage the power of synergy for yourself. Start by examining the conflicting desires within that are not mutually compatible. The desire for leisure, for instance, may not be compatible with your need to create the best work that is in you. Resolve the impulses pulling you in opposite directions, and marshal what’s left into a cohesive team. Provide this internal team with unity of purpose and harmony. Work toward your goal, and watch the synergistic effect manifest itself.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin