"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


The way nature works is distinctively different from the way we work. There is no stress, no deadlines and no frantic rush in nature. Flowers bloom at the right time and not a moment too soon. Trees bear fruits when they are ready to do so, not when they are forced into doing so.

This is just as true in the animal kingdom. The most common time for human beings to have a heart attack is Monday morning. Animals exhibit no such pattern. For them, the concept of Monday does not exist. From this, we can see that the stress of Monday morning is nothing more than a human invention.

We need to draw closer to nature. Instead of the stress and tension of getting things done, we need to learn form nature and allow things to be done in accordance with the way they are. This means turning in to the task at hand in order to feel its natural rhythm. When you are in tune, you can bring out its full potential with very little effort. You are not “ trying” to do anything the way people try to do everything, and yet you leave nothing undone.

The Tao Today

Let go of the notion that things need to be done. Remind yourself that inanimate objects are not capable of needing anything. it is only the unsettled human mind that has never-ending needs. Look into your own mind and notice the need to grasp, control and meddle. These are the underlying causes of tension in your life, and knowing them is the first step to mastering them.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin