Something very interesting happens when you walk the path with sincere intent and discipline. You begin to run into what seem like amazing coincidences more and more. You may read a story about the Tao, and then have something happen in your life that mirrors the story to an uncanny degree. You may think about some people you have not seen in a while, only to see them unexpectedly. These are the least of what can happen.
Such coincidences are synchronicities of the Tao. They manifest powerfully in your life when you connect with the essential oneness of existence as a natural result of your cultivation. This connection with oneness weakens the illusion of separation, so that seemingly unrelated people, things and events will come together in ways that seem strange, incredible and even miraculous.
The Tao Today
Open your mind to perceive the synchronicities. If they are happening frequently, it can mean you are on the right path and there is something you are meant to learn from them. Keep doing what you are doing, and enjoy them as wondrous gifts reminding us of the oneness underlying everything.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin