"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


There is something magical about the process of walking, especially if it is done in a meditative mind-set. Perhaps this is because walking is the most natural mode of mobility for human beings since the beginning of the species’ history. Our ancestors have walked for millions of years. Walking brings us in tune with the Tao.

Meditative walking is simple yet extremely effective. When done correctly, your rhythmic steps will bring you into a state of non-thought. You are still fully conscious and alert, but your internal mental chatter will die down, bringing much relief to the spirit. When you emerge form this state and return to mindful awareness, you will realize that the period of profound silence is the most healing and blissful state of consciousness one can experience. This is a wonderful gift you can give yourself.

The Tao Today

Allocate half and hour out of your day and take yourself out for a stroll around the block. When you do so, let yourself relax in the knowledge that there is really nothing to be stressed about. Feel the sensation of walking, as if the earth is massaging your feet and easing your tension. Ease into this natural process, and soon you will experience the magic of the meditative walk for yourself.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin