When Tao practitioners use the yin and yang symbol to represent the mind, the yang side is the conscious mind and the yin side is the subconscious. Consciousness is the active component of the mind, while the subconscious functions silently in the background. Both aspects of the mind are powerful in different ways, and you need to work with both.
A lack of balance can be seen in the self-sabotage scenario. You have achieved success, and you conscious mind wants to hold on to it. The neglected subconscious has a different idea. It still feels unworthy, so it will chip away at your achievement until you are brought down to the level it deems suitable.
This is why a person of the Tao would integrate the yin and yang aspects of the mind, and keep both aspects in alignment with one another. When your mind is unified and directed by clear intent, it can do just about anything. It becomes a force unto itself, as well as your most powerful asset.
The Tao Today
Many people have a lack of balance by neglecting the subconscious mind. If you sense this imbalance in you, then you will want to make some adjustments. Align the yin aspect of your mind with the yang aspect through meditation and affirmations.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin