"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Life is becoming more complex every day. Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, and scientific discoveries are coming fast and furious. Human knowledge is increasing at an exponential rate, so no individual can know everything regardless of intelligence. Even those who have specialized knowledge may not know everything in their field of specialty.

This can create a feeling of anxiety, because there is something within us that demands certainty. We want answers. The unknown makes us uncomfortable. We struggle against it by categorizing and classifying, defining and dividing, hoping to overcome it with logic and analysis. In the meantime, human knowledge continues to expand. We cannot keep up and finally must give up in exhaustion.

The much better way is to accept the essential mystery. Acknowledge we can never know it all, and that is perfectly fine. The unknown will always be a part of life. It is, in fact, what makes life interesting and exciting. It is what provides the possibility of discovery and unexpected delights. Instead of fearing the unknown, embrace it.

The Tao Today

Let go of the obsessive need for absolute certainty. Use estimates and best guesses skillfully so you are never stuck in a state of indecision. The more you exercise this ability, the better you will get at it. It is an excellent wat to train your intuitive ability to figure things out without needing all the information.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin