Most people think of gaining as a positive thing, so they accumulate material possessions. Most of the time, what they acquire is not immediately useful, so they put it away in storage just in case they need it one day. That day never comes, so it sites in storage along with all other similar items, gathering dust.
Tao cultivators look at acquisitions in a different light. The accumulation of clutter increases complexity, so everything you acquire comes with a hidden cost, even if you got it at a bargain price. As the amount of clutter and chaos in your life goes up, your peace of mind goes down. Your possessions become a burden. They squeeze the life out of your life.
The more you understand the Tao, the less you will be interested in hunting around for great deals. Instead, you think about the essentials of life. What do you actually need? What are some things that are just taking up space? As you let such things go, you create freedom in your life. It is a carefree lightness with which your spirit can soar.
The Tao Today
Net time an advertisement or a coupon catches your eyes, slow down for a moment and think about needs versus wants. What you absolutely need in life is finite; what you can potentially want is unlimited. Be very clear with yourself before deciding whether to join the shopping frenzy of the consumer culture.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin