Those who are still beginners in spiritual development are the ones who can see only their own point of view. They are always right; others are always wrong. They like to say, “It’s my way or the highway.”
Those who have risen above this level are the wiser individuals who understand that right and wrong can be heavily dependent on which side you are on. They understand opposing perspectives. They say, “No matter how you slice it, there are always two sides.”
Tao sages go even further. They understand multiple perspectives, and they know that there are as many points of view as there are people in any given situation. No one person has the entire story, but if one integrates all the perspectives together, one can get very close to the actual truth. The sages do not talk much and have no favorite phrases, but they will gladly take everyone’s favorite phrase into account.
The Tao Today
How many perspectives are you able to distinguish in any event? When you have a disagreement with someone, you may think there are two perspectives, but there are more. Think about the people who observe form the sidelines, and the ones who will be impacted by your disagreement. What are their perspectives? The more you can incorporate into your own understanding, the closer you will approach the wisdom of a sage.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin