"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


In the framework of the Tao, we have the ultimate form of equality where all of us are spiritual entities of the same essence, regardless of the differences in our external appearance.

In the passage of time, we also have absolute equality. No matter who you are, you get twenty-four hours a day, and time slips away from you at the rate of one second per second. You can waste the time you are given, but no matter how hard you try, you cannot get more time per day or cause time to pass more slowly for you. What you have is what everyone else has.

Those who do not understand this concept will treat others based on perceived differences in appearance, social position, wealth, race or ethnic background. This leads to discrimination and prejudice. Those who do not understand will treat others with the same courtesy and kindness regardless of superficial differences. This leads to better understanding of our ultimate connection and oneness with all sentient beings.

The Tao Today

This may be one of the most challenging teachings to put into practice. What prejudices do you still harbor? Whatever they may be, they are all connected to the illusion of divisions and separateness. look through this illusion to see the truth: we all live in the Tao, where there is no superior or inferior…only unity and togetherness.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin