"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Think of yourself as a deep pool of water. The depth of the pool means one cannot readily see all of it. You are like this pool in that there are also depths to you that others cannot readily see. Underneath the calm surface, there is a lot more going on than most people suspect. You possess abilities and resources that you do not feel the need to advertise. you are content that those who care will take the time to get to know you and discover your hidden dimensions.

The nature of the water is that it nurtures all living things. Plants absorb water from the pool, and animals wander by to slake their thirst. You are like this pool in that you are a nurturing presence to the people in your life. They come to you for mentoring and guidance, and you provide what you can with no expectations, like water providing itself to plants and animals unconditionally. It is your nature to be of service.

The Tao Today

This imagery provides two essential keys to help you in your spiritual practice: your depth of character and your nurturing nature. You develop your potential privately, with no need to flaunt, and you will benefit all who come into contact with you, without expecting anything in return. The more you embody these characteristics, the more you will find your spiritual practice elevating itself.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin