The Tao Te Ching describes the sage as someone who is serious and yet does not take himself too seriously. As he works to create excellent results, he infuses everything he does with a sense of humor and playfulness.
Some may mistake the humorous side of the sage as frivolity. They may not understand that the sage is first and foremost a responsible human being. He is uncompromising in keeping his word and performing his duties. He sees tremendous honor in a job well done. TO him, it is not something to satisfy the ego, but something to fulfill the soul.
Some may also mistake the sage’s work ethic and careful approach as rigidity. They may not understand that the sage can be simultaneously careful and carefree. In fact, it is precisely because the sage is absolutely confident about the quality of what he does that he can be completely relaxed in the enjoyment of doing his work.
The Tao Today
Emulate this characteristic of the sage. See your work not as a chore, but as in interesting challenge and an opportunity to practice the Tao. Concentrate on your work, but not so much that you lose touch with reality. Think about the work form a positive, playful perspective: What are some ways to make it fun and create excellent results?
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin