Life is not always smooth sailing. Sometimes we find ourselves feeling a sense of discomfort about the way things are turning out in life. Perhaps it comes from the disappointment of not yet living up to our full potential.
Many people deal with such feelings by distracting themselves. Rather than face the issue, they may console themselves with food, numb themselves with drugs or lose themselves in entertainment. All of these measures will temporarily relieve the symptoms, while offering no real solution.
Those who walk with the Tao have a different approach. They see this kind of discomfort as a useful signal rather than something to avoid. Through the application of mental alchemy, they transform the dissatisfaction into motivation to change themselves. They ignore the distractions of the world and direct their gaze within. They know that the Tao offers not temporary relief, but a real cure for the discomfort of the soul.
The Tao Today
Use the same approach for yourself. Watch for self-placating excuses, like “I am a lot better than I used to be,” or “There are a lot of people worse off than I am.” Instead, feel the uncertainty in your heart that you deserve to be in a better place than you are right now, and there are real, proven ways to get there.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin