The common conception of power has to do with dominating and controlling others. In the Tao, this is regarded as an illusory power, because the obsession to dominate and control is extremely damaging to relationships. People who find themselves under this kind of power remain there only until they can free themselves and get as far away as possible.
The flip side of illusory power is authentic power. Those who have it are interested in helping and benefiting others, not in controlling them. They are interested in service, not domination. Thus, authentic power builds relationships as much as illusory power damages them, and people are naturally drawn to authentic power as much as they wish to get away from illusory power.
The Tao Today
Authentic power is developed incrementally, when one exercises discipline over a long period of time. Start initially with simple acts of self-motivation, and gradually build yourself up to tackle greater challenges in being of service to others. As you develop your inner strength and become even more confident, you will notice people reacting favorably to you. You are on your way to becoming authentically powerful.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin