Over thousands of years, Tao sages observed the coming and goings of great empires. It is a cycle that follows a predictable pattern, starting with one kingdom among many becoming more ambitious than the rest. It imposes its will on its neighboring kingdoms and grows more powerful. Then, it goes on a rampage of conquest until it has expanded to the height of its power. This lasts for a while, but inevitably it starts decaying from within. Eventually, internal strife causes the empire to split apart and crumple into dust.
This pattern is mirrored at the personal level, where the aggressive, domineering personality is like the ambitious kingdom. Such a person expands his ego at the expense of others, and tramples on anyone who stands in his way. He may be able to achieve the powerful position he craves, but his power, like that of ancient empires, is temporary at best. Before too long, his life starts decaying from within because his success cannot sustain itself. Eventually, everything he has built will collapse.
The Tao Today
The aggressive and domineering builder of a personal empire is a great example of what not to do. Instead of aggression and domination, turn your mind toward assistance and kindness. Instead of imposition and coercion, make gentleness and sharing your personal trademark. Unlike empires that come and go, be the Tao cultivator who demonstrates the way of everlasting goodness.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin